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Writer's pictureBriana Ottinger

Workout Wednesday - CORE

Welcome to #workoutwednesday, a new series where I'll be posting a FREE workout 2-3 times per month. Part of my continued effort to make fitness more accessible to everyone. Here are FOUR Benefits of a Strong Core & a workout to help you get a stronger core!

1. Injury Prevention - all movement starts at the center of our body. I practice this breathing exercise from Girls Gone Strong with my clients all the time. I recommend it before every workout.

2. Protection - Your abdominals aren't just there to look good, they protect your inner organs and central nervous system.

3. Bye Bye Back Pain- When you engage your core during lifting, bending and twisting movements, you help protect your lower back.

4. Confidence - A strong core leads to better posture, and it's hard not to feel confident when you carry yourself well.

Repeat this core workout 3-5x after the connection breath exercise above.

What's your favorite core exercise? Tell me below and I may feature it in a future workout!

Disclaimer: Consult your physician before starting this or any exercise program. If you experience pain, difficulty breathing or feel lightheaded or faint stop and consult your physician.

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