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Writer's pictureBriana Ottinger

Workout Wednesday - Bodyweight

Summer is officially winding down, but that doesn't mean your workout routine should be. Although colder weather certainly makes it harder to get out of bed in the morning, your workout should still be a priority.

Keeping a consistent routine year round, helps you feel more confident to rock shorts when summer rolls around again. Working out is also great for your immune system, helps boost energy levels (super important with less and less sunlight) and may help prevent seasonal affective disorder.

This 15-minute bodyweight workout (add the bonus round to make it a little longer) can be done indoors or out, so hit the park and enjoy the last few weeks of summer!


Repeat 3x

Body Weight Alternating Forward Lunge :30

Squat, :30

Curtsy Lunge, :30

Rest for 1 min


Repeat 3x

Skater, :30

Glute Bridge, :30

Side Lying Leg Raise, :30/ side

rest for 1 minute


Jump Squats, :30

High Knees, :30

Mountain Climbers, :30

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